Mos Def is out of this world—literally. The Renaissance man has teamed up with Bay Area singer Goapele and NASA astronaut Leland Melvin to deliver a holographic presentation at the Science and Culture Festival for the Instituting Science in Schools Project (I.S.I.S.). The free festival which kicks off on September 5 from 11am – 5pm at the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland will expose school age children to interactive science and technology based lessons, games, and activities. “ I’m just here to give the young people some inspiration, some positive encouragement and some good information about science, technology, creativity and discovery and how to use math, science and information to make a positive impact and changes on the world around us,” says the multitalented singer, rapper, and actor. Far out.
I love when entertainers further extend themselves beyond their craft into other realms. They can get others to take outside interests in this as well. BTW I love me some Mos Def.